


丹尼尔·霍尔 is a PhD student designing and fabricating nanosensors for integration into implantable vascular devices. 通过在病人体内植入传感器, he hopes that this will enable doctors to be able to remotely monitor conditions without the need for them to go into hospital. Most importantly this will enable early detection of diseases and as such early treatment which will hopefully lead to better patient outcomes.

At school Daniel was fortunate to have dedicated electronics lessons that encouraged hardware and software development which ignited his interest. 然而, 在他上学的后期,他的父亲心脏病发作, 他全神贯注地学习心脏的知识和治疗方法. 丹尼尔的本科和硕士学位专注于临床心脏病学和心血管研究, 但有些东西不见了. 完成他的硕士学位, 丹尼尔想找到一种通过新技术对病人产生影响的方法, 这让他进入了格拉斯哥大学. 在格拉斯哥,丹尼尔能够重新点燃他从小就对电子产品的热情.

新萄新京十大正规网站的这个奖项是对Daniel和他参与的研究项目的荣誉.  It will enable him to further his research by visiting collaborators around the world to gain first-hand skills and knowledge that he can bring back to his colleagues at the University of Glasgow.



Bochen史 is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Professor Zhengming Zhao at the Department of Electrical Engineering, 清华大学, 中国.

在他攻读博士学位期间, Bochen works on the discrete state event-driven modeling and 模拟 of power electronics systems and the development of DSIM software. His research is fuelled by the demand for fast and accurate design 模拟s of complex power converters. Lack of such tools has become a bottleneck with the increasing focus on electrification for a cleaner environment.

Bochen’s PhD research speeds-up the 模拟 of large-scale power converters by hundreds/thousands of times with complete accuracy and eliminates the convergence problems when modeling the nanosecond-level switching transients. It advances the design and prototyping of power electronics systems among a wide range of applications including power system, 马达驱动, 可再生能源, 电动飞机/火车/汽车. His PhD research has been published in multiple articles in high-impact journals and marks a breakthrough in large-scale power electronics 模拟.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站 哈德威尔国际研究奖学金 will help him disseminate his work among the world-wide community of power and energy, 根据人们的反馈,不断改进DSIM软件, 并支持他在电力电子实时仿真方面的进一步研究.

Leslie H Paddle奖学金


詹妮弗•莫里斯 is a PhD student in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde.

Her research focuses on the control of power electronic converters for connecting offshore wind farms to weak AC networks via HVDC. 正在进行的从同步发电(石油, 煤炭和天然气转向可再生能源正在导致全球电力系统变得“脆弱”。. This raises significant stability issues for the power electronic converters which interface renewable generation and HVDC transmission links to the grid.

采用多种稳定性分析, 模拟, 硬件方法, Jennifer’s research aims to better understand and quantify the mechanisms causing instability for power converters in weak grids. 她希望开发新的, 改进了控制策略,研究了多馈入直流对系统稳定性的影响.

The Leslie H Paddle奖学金 will help Jennifer to engage in industry and academic collaborations within her research, 公布调查结果, 并通过STEM大使活动接触年轻一代.



龚超,英国约克大学电子工程系博士生. 主要研究方向为基于高压动力系统的电动汽车的安全性.

电动汽车的魅力一直激励着他更多地了解电动汽车. 作为一种高科技产品, the engineering technologies involved in electric vehicles are undoubtedly complicated and only by pursuing a higher-level study in electric vehicle engineering can he get closer to them. He believes pursuing an engineering-related PhD could enrich his knowledge and technical skills to engineer a better world with sustainable transportation. 

在他的博士研究期间, Chao developed reliable winding-based DC-bus capacitor-discharge techniques to prevent occupants in electric vehicles from electric shock in post-crash conditions. 该技术还具有放电速度快、成本低等优点. 在这项研究中, 他积极地以出版物和会议海报的形式分享研究结果, 哪些是得到同行学者高度认可的.

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖将激励Chao建立信心,在他的研究中走得更远. 在奖金的支持下, 他计划参加更多的会议和峰会,寻求国内和国际合作.




凯尔·沃克目前是爱丁堡大学海洋机器人新萄新京十大正规网站的博士生, 他是EPSRC博士培训合作伙伴奖学金的获得者吗.

在决定上大学的时候, 凯尔被夹在机械工程和电气工程之间, eventually opting to meet in the middle and study Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as an integrated masters at the University of Strathclyde. 在此期间, 他开始对机器人技术以及这个领域的创造性和创新性感兴趣, 同时也是高度跨学科的. Kyle decided to undertake a PhD as he wanted to research topics and develop systems that he sees as being beneficial for future generations. 他希望他的博士学位能给他的职业生涯带来这样的机会.

他目前的研究重点是开发水下航行器的预测控制方法, with the aim of improving their ability to operate in adverse conditions around marine renewable devices. 这样做的时候, the overall operation and maintenance costs of these devices will be reduced thus improving cost efficiency, 帮助向可再生能源发电的转变做出贡献. 

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖获得的认可将有助于支持凯尔推广他的工作, 使他能够建立全球学术和工业合作. He aims to pursue a post-doctoral research role whilst reaching out to potential partners within the 可再生能源 sector and test his method in the field.



伊娃Bestelink是先进技术研究所的一名博士生, 萨里大学, 在那里她由拉杜·斯波雷亚医生监督.

在获得学士学位之前,伊娃是一名正在转行的成熟学生. 在她攻读神经科学硕士学位期间, 她发现了精神控制的假肢,并决定从事机器人技术方面的职业. 然而, 没有要求的STEM学位或相关的a - level, 特别是数学, 伊娃必须做出选择,是读一个不相关领域的博士学位,还是重新开始.  幸运的是, 大学提供工程基础课程,伊娃在金斯顿大学完成了她的学业, 这为她进入萨里大学攻读电子工程学士学位铺平了道路. 加入后不久, Eva quickly realised that semiconductor devices were her true calling and could see parallels between neural behaviour and unconventional ways of operating transistors. 这就是多模态晶体管发明背后的灵感.

在攻读电子工程与纳米技术学士学位期间, 她与Sporea博士共同发明了一种新型薄膜晶体管(TFT)。, 多模态晶体管, 这是她现在博士研究的主要焦点. MMT的操作与传统的tft不同, 在紧凑的空间中提供先进的功能和强大的性能. 像这样, 它非常适合低成本, 高通量制造方法, 例如卷对卷或喷墨印刷.

伊娃打算继续她在MMT上的工作, 在高通量过程中开发电路和应用, 致力于为物联网开发节能环保的一次性传感器.

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖资助, 伊娃计划接触年轻的创新者和工程领域的女性, 以及开发针对幼儿的科学学习材料.




斯蒂芬妮Adeyemo是剑桥大学电子工程新萄新京十大正规网站的博士生. She is an alumna of Swansea University where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

她的博士研究工作重点是利用太赫兹光谱学, 一种无接触、无损的光学表征技术, to study the optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials particularly of tin-based metal halide perovskites and nanowires. 通过研究这些材料的光电特性, she gains insight into the fundamental photophysical mechanisms important to guide the development of high performing devices for applications such as photovoltaics.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Research Prize will enable Stephanie to explore new research ideas which will form the basis of her postdoctoral research and give her the opportunity to present at international conferences.

